A new organization has dedicated itself to providing training for post-abortion counseling and creating an international network of abortion-recovery programs.

The Abortion Recovery International Network (ARIN) was founded recently by Stacy Massey-Miller (Abortion Recovery Counseling) and Chris Jackman (Project Grace/Hemline Creative Group) because of the increased demand for post-abortion healing, which they observed. They saw a need to create an organization that would help pull together the many groups that offer such counseling.

ARIN provides the first online searchable directory solely committed to listing abortion recovery programs within the United States and abroad (www.abortionrecoverydirectory.com). It also intends to assist in the design and development of new post-abortion programs.

It already has hundreds of international partners, which provide post-abortion counseling, care and assistance.

For more information, go to http://www.abortionrecoverynetwork.org