The Vatican has announced a seminar to be held tomorrow which will address the Social Doctrine of the Church and how it should be lived out in the modern world—particularly in light of the so-called culture wars and the defense of human dignity in a hostile world.

The seminar will be presented by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Federation of Catholic Men - Unum Omnes HIFC, and will be held at the council offices.

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the council following opening prayer and greetings from organizers, will present the theme “The Social Doctrine of the Church, the Indispensable Foundation for the Formation and Commitment of the Lay Christian”.

According to a press release, seminar topics will explore specific difficulties and resources available to Christians when making choices regarding priority ethical values such as the sacredness of life, the indissolubility of marriage, correct use of the media, scientific research, and decisive economic options for the lives of citizens, especially the poorest.

A number of international Catholic organizations, including, the International Federation of Catholic Action, the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations, the International Coordination of Young Christian Workers, the International Rural Catholic Association, and the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors, will present round table discussions on “The Social Doctrine of the Church and Formative Paths.”