Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, commended Democrats for Life of America’s “95-10” Initiative, which aims to reduce the number of abortions.

“A pro-life stance is far more consistent with principles Democrats claim to hold than is a pro-abortion stance,” said Fr. Pavone at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington. The “95-10” Initiative enjoys the support of a number of pro-life Democrats in Congress.

The pro-life priest said his support does not mean that the initiative is not in need of further modification and debate. But he conceded that the initiative was a good starting point.

He also challenged Democrats and Republicans “to resist the temptation to dodge the abortion issue.

“Abortion is an act of violence that contradicts not only what a political party should stand for, but what America already stands for — the equal dignity of every human life,” he said. “Abortion must not only be limited; it must be ended."

Fr. Pavone added: “It important that the pro-life movement and the Church not be identified exclusively with one or another political party, for the simple reason that the right to life is rooted in human nature and the nature of God, not political platforms.”