The Archbishop of Chicago said Wednesday a recent television interview was edited in a way that inaccurately portrayed him.

"An NBC Chicago TV report that aired Monday night was edited in such a way that gave the false impression that Pope Francis and I consider the protection of children to be less important than other issues, such as the environment or immigration. Nothing could be further from the truth," Cardinal Blase Cupich wrote in an Aug. 29 press release.

The cardinal was interviewed by Chicago NBC 5 reporter Mary Ann Ahern, about an Aug. 25 testimony published by a former Vatican ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Vigano. That testimony alleged that Archbishop Theodore McCarrick was instrumental in Cupich's appointment as Archbishop of Chicago in 2014.

"The edited report created the false impression that my comment that the pope should not 'go down the rabbit hole' of the allegations in the Viganò letter was about sexual abuse. As the unedited footage shows, it was not," he added.

The entirety of the paragraph in which Cupich referenced a "rabbit hole" is as follows: "But for the Holy Father, I think to get into each and every one of those aspects, in some way is inappropriate and secondly, the pope has a bigger agenda. He's gotta get on with other things of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the Church. We're not going to go down a rabbit hole on this."

After airing a story containing portions of its interview with Cupich, NBC 5 published five videos which contain more footage of Ahern's conversation with Cardinal Cupich. For clarity, CNA has transcribed those videos.