In his Sunday audience for the weekly Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict told more than 20,000 pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, that the Trinity shows us that “God is not solitude, but perfect communion.”

Echoing his predecessor’s teaching on the ‘Theology of the Body’, the Holy Father said that, “For this reason the human person, in the image of God, is realized in love, which is the sincere giving of oneself."

He said that, "Jesus has revealed to us the mystery of God. He, the Son, made us know the Father Who is in heaven, and gave us the Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and Son. Christian theology synthesizes the truth about God with this expression: one substance in three persons.”

Greeting pilgrims in Spanish, German, Italian and Polish, the Pope also greeted members of Italy’s National Eucharistic Congress, which he will close next Sunday.