Speaking yesterday on the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Father greeted over 20,000 pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, as well as participants in Italy’s National Eucharistic Congress, which opened yesterday in Bari, Italy.

The Pope will travel to Bari next Sunday to personally close the congress.

"Today,” he said, on the “feast of the Most Holy Trinity, I am very happy to greet the participants in the Eucharistic Congress of the Church in Italy, which opened yesterday in Bari.”

“In the heart of this year dedicated to the Eucharist, the Christian people gather around Christ who is present in the Most Holy Sacrament, the source and summit of her life and mission."

Pointing out the theme of the congress, which is "Without Sundays We Cannot Live," the Holy Father said "as I wait to personally go to Bari next Sunday for the Eucharistic celebration, I am with all of you spiritually for this important ecclesial event."

Following the Angelus, Pope Benedict greeted faithful in Spanish, Polish, and German.

"I greet Italian-speaking pilgrims," he specifically said in conclusion, adding spontaneous remarks, as he noted people continuing to arrive in the square.

They "are very numerous, as we can see and hear," the Pope said.