The Vatican announced today that it will hold an international summit aimed at understanding moral factors in globalization from May 27th to 28th

The meeting, called ‘The World System in the 21st Century: Subsidiarity and Cooperation for Development’, is being sponsored by the Centesimus Annus "Pro Pontifice" Foundation, which was instituted by Pope John Paul in June 1993.

The Holy See noted that Alberto Quadrio Curzio, president of the foundation's Scientific Committee and dean of the political science faculty at Milan's Sacred Heart Catholic University, would oversee the May 27 proceedings.

Speakers for Friday include Italian Supreme Court Judge Giovanni Maria Flick who will present a talk on "Human Rights and Globalization: A European Perspective," Moshe Syrquin, professor of economics at the University of Miami, who will speak on "Globalization: Too Much or To Little" and Curzio who will discuss "The European Union as an Institutional Model in a Globalized World."

Saturday’s sessions will be opened by Cardinal Attilio Nicora, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. A round-table discussion on the topic of "Promoting Development in the 21st Century: Values, Actors and Instruments," will be held that morning followed by a debate.

A United Nations representative is slated to speak on "The Way the World Is: Evils and Angels in Development" on Saturday as well.

A May 28th Mass, celebrated by Cardinal Nicora will close the two-day event, and will be held in the Santa Martha Residence in the Vatican.

The Santa Martha was temporary home to cardinals who had gathered in Rome last month for the papal conclave.