Banning prayer from graduation ceremonies is in violation of the law, said Finn Laursen, executive director of Christian Educators Association International, a trade organization of Christian educators serving in public schools.

Educators who tell students and staff that prayer is out of bounds at graduation ceremonies have most likely misunderstood past court rulings on prayer in schools.

"U.S. courts have held that school leaders may not require prayers or religious content from speakers, nor invite religious personnel to lead such activities. However, while maintaining religious neutrality, under the First Amendment school officials cannot rescind students' freedom of speech," explained Laursen.

The Christian Educators Association said it will refer parents, students, teachers, or schools that come under attack for exercising their constitutional rights to Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit public interest law firm, for assistance.

Parents, students and educators can also refer to Liberty Counsel president Mathew Staver’s, new book, “Eternal Vigilance: Knowing and Protecting Your Religious Freedom” at