Thousands of pro-life advocates will rally this month in major cities throughout the country, marking the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that mandated legal abortion in the U.S.

March for Life Chicago will take place on Jan. 13, drawing numerous pro-lifers from Illinois and surrounding states, including Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, and Missouri. The event is expected to gather more than 6,000 attendees.

The day will begin with an early morning rally for youth, Mass at Holy Name Cathedral, and brunch in support of the local pregnancy center, Aid for Women. In the afternoon, the procession and rally will occur at the Federal Plaza in Chicago.

Speakers will include Pat McCaskey, a co-owner of the Chicago Bears; Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago; Jeanne Mancini, president of the national March for Life; and Ryan Bomberger, founder of the Radiance Foundation.

The theme of the event, "Unique From Day One," emphasizes medical technology as affirming life beginning at conception. Dawn Fitzpatrick, president of the March for Life Chicago board of directors, said the pro-life message is a "synchronicity of science and faith when it comes to the uniqueness of each life."

"Being pro-life is not in opposition to science. It's quite the opposite in fact. Medical and technological advancements continue to reaffirm the science behind the pro-life cause – that life begins at fertilization, or day one, when egg meets sperm and a new, unique, human embryo is created," she said.  

Kevin Grillot, vice president of the March for Life Chicago, told CNA that through science, "we can see where life begins, and how beautiful is it that each person, from the moment of conception, their DNA distinguishes them…Every single person is unique and distinct and whole human being, starting from the moment of their conception."

Bomberger, one of the speakers at this year's event in Chicago, said that the pro-life issue is personal for him: he was conceived in rape. While abortions following rape account for just 1 percent of total abortions in the U.S., he said, they are often used to justify the other 99 percent.

"As someone who is written off as an exception, it is particularly special to me," he told CNA of this year's theme. "Pro-life is pro-science, it's pro-woman, it's pro-child, it's pro-family. I think all those elements are so inextricable tied together with this theme – that you are not repeatable."

He said his speech at the rally will offer the testimony of his own story as an example of the purpose and value of every human life. He hopes that his witness will encourage people to step out of their comfort zones and become a source of healing for others facing unwanted pregnancies.

"[I am] someone whose birth mom choose to be stronger than the violence of rape and not only gave me life but gave me the incredible gift of adoption," he said.

Bomberger is one of 15 siblings, many of whom were adopted from various backgrounds. He now has four children of his own, two of whom are adopted.

"To have been adopted and loved and now to be the one who has adopted and loved, it's just a really powerful thing," he said. "I will be emphasizing adoption and that you cannot address abortion…without talking about adoption. For me, it's like not finishing a sentence."

A major purpose of pro-life marches, he said, is a display of solidarity to counter some media depictions suggesting that only a small portion of the population is pro-life.

"What this march does is it reminds you that you are not the only one," he said. "I think the march serves as a powerful [reminder] that we are not alone that there are far more who are with us."

Dozens of pro-life rallies in other cities across the U.S. will also be taking place this month.

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March for Life Denver is scheduled for Jan 12. A rally called Celebrate Life 2019 will take place at the Colorado state capitol,and will feature a mariachi band, Aztec dancers, and Mexican folk dancers.

One Life LA is planned for Jan. 19. Attendees will march from La Placita to the LA State Historic Park. After the rally, a Requiem Mass for the Unborn will be held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels and a Young Adult after-party will take place at Imperial Western Union Station.

Speakers will include Ryan O'Hara, content director for Saint Paul's Outreach; marriage speaker Damon Owens; and Abby Johnson, founder of the And Then There Were None ministry to help abortion workers to leave the industry.

The national March for Life in Washington, D.C. will take place on Jan. 18. Speakers for the 46th annual D.C. march will include Congressmen Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinksi (D-Ill); Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire; and Dr. Kathi Aultman, fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Following a rally on the National Mall, participants – who routinely number in the hundreds of thousands – will process along Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court.