From his office window, Pope Benedict XVI reminded all the people gathered to hear him in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday that Christian charity and self-donation are nourished in the Eucharist.

During  the recitation of the Angelus, the Pope reflected on the relation between Christian donation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist and underscored that “the loving attention of Christians towards those in difficulty and their commitment for a more solidary society are continually nourished by active and aware participation in the Eucharist", said the Holy Father.

“Anyone who faithfully nourishes him or herself with Christ, assimilates His own life’s style, which is that of an attentive service. Active charity, in fact, is a criterion that gives evidence of the authenticity of our liturgical celebrations,” the Pope Benedict noted.

The Pope also reminded the pilgrims of today’s celebration of “World Day of the Refugee” and said that “the Christian community feels close to those who live in this painful condition: it tries to support them and, in different ways, demonstrate love and interest, translated into concrete gestures of solidarity so that each person who is far from his homeland feels that the Church is their homeland where no one is a stranger.”

The Holy Father entrusted all men, women and children who suffer this condition to “the maternal protection of the Blessed Mother, who, together with Joseph and Baby Jesus, knew of the bitterness of the exile” and prayed that all refugees may find open hearts and comprehension in their lives. 

In concluding his remarks, Benedict XVI greeted the thousands of Polish faithful present, noting that "today in Warsaw, Poland's Eucharistic Congress concluded. During the solemn concelebration, three sons of that noble nation were inscribed in the book of Blesseds: Ladislao Findysz, Bronislao Markiewicz and Ignacy Klopotowski. I hope this significant ecclesial event contributes to strengthening the spirit of fraternal reconciliation, a necessary basis for building the communion of all those who participate in the one table of Christ".