Just one week before the official opening of the beatification process for Pope John Paul II, Catholics worldwide are invited to participate in the cause by sending relevant information on the late Pope’s life and virtues to the postulator via the Internet.

The Polish priest leading the cause for Pope John Paul II's beatification, known as the postulator, is Fr. Slawomir Oder.

He has invited Catholics to send him e-mails with testimonies or information that they may have on the life and virtues of the late pontiff, Vatican Radio announced June 20. E-mails can be sent to: Postulazione.GiovanniPaoloII@VicariatusUrbis.org

Fr. Oder will publish the relevant testimonies that he receives on an official Web site, www.vicariatusurbis.org.

The beatification process for Pope John Paul officially begins next week, June 28, with a celebration in the Basilica of Saint John of Latran in Rome. Pope Benedict XVI made the announcement May 13, only 42 days after his death.

John Paul’s beatification file already contains 635 documents, including his first writings