On the first hundred days as the Catholic Church Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI  completes a vacation time dedicated to pray for world peace, as Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Holy See Press Office Director stated in a report for Radio Vaticano.

“The Pope was enjoying a vacation time, however he  still keeps mankind in his mind. Therefore, the victims , and also the terrorists, have been in the Pope’s thought and specially in His prayers when he celebrated the Holy Mass” said Navarro -Valls when talking about the days spent by the Pontiff in  Les Combes.

According to the spokesman, in this rest period the Holy Father has followed attentively the development of the terrorists’ attacks in several countries of the world; he has taken some rest, studied and contemplated the beauty of nature. “His Holiness have rested but at the same time he has worked a great deal” he said.

He also revealed that the Pope had to adapt himself to the new climate and “during the second day in a conversation with a nine-year old  boy he felt himself involved in the nature and the location. After this dialogue His Holiness said he never had an idea of walking through these valleys in such privacy”.

Navarro-Valls also considered that one of the most outstanding moments for the Holy Father was his private meeting with all the priests in a little church in Introd in the Aosta valley, where all of them shared with him their concerns and also their happiness for their ministry.”

Tomorrow, Pope Benedict XVI will leave the chalet in Les Combes to go to  Castelgandolfo, near Rome, where he will stay until the end of the Summer.