Pope John Paul II spoke about peace this morning, just a day after his powerful speech about the world situation.  The Holy Father received officials of the 31st division of the Italian Air Force, who accompany the Pope on his trips outside Rome.

"In recent days," he said, "the liturgy has invited us to contemplate Jesus Who became man and came among us. He is the light that illuminates and gives meaning to our existence; He is the Redeemer who brings peace to the world.”

“Let us welcome Him with trust and joy! The Blessed Virgin Mary who, as a thoughtful mother, presents Him to us, also watches over us. I invite you to turn to her at every moment and to entrust the just-begun year of 2004 to her,” he added.

John Paul II wished the officials a happy New Year and thanked them for "the dedication and commitment with which you have for years facilitated the ministry of the Successor of Peter."