Following the example of the tremendously popular Lance Armstrong “live strong” bracelets, a Connecticut youth organization has created a new wristband honoring both the late John Paul II and new Pope Benedict XVI.

“Youth for the World” has debuted the new arm wear, largely as a way of welcoming and showing solidarity with Pope Benedict. The white wristbands come emblazoned with the words: "JPII BE NOT AFRAID, BXVI WE COME TO WORSHIP HIM."

The group’s website noted that the wristbands are also a way for older people and youth who cannot travel to the World Youth Day celebration in Cologne, Germany this week, to show their support for the event and in support of those in attendance.

Annie Longon, a 23-year old graduate of North Carolina’s Duke University, said that "The wristbands are an obvious way for youth and young adults, who felt so loved by Pope John Paul II, to connect with the Holy Father, Benedict XVI."

Youth for the World is a new organization devoted to supporting, building and spreading the Catholic faith among the world’s young people. They seek to fulfill John Paul II’s call for a “new evangelization.”

As Longon notes: "The young adults of today who enter the real world, who are working and out on their own, need real solutions, real answers, real support, and real meaning in their lives."

More information about Youth for the World or the wristbands can be found at: