Following the noontime Angelus prayer at his Castelgandolfo summer residence yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI offered prayers for a meeting of heads of State, which will be held in New York City Wednesday to try and respond to problems of violence, poverty, sickness and hunger worldwide.

He also remembered the September 11th terrorist attacks on the U.S. four years ago yesterday, as well as all victims of terrorism in the world.

The Pope noted that the summit will "discuss important themes concerning peace in the world, the respect of human rights, the promotion of development and the strengthening of the United Nations Organization."

The Vatican will be represented at Wednesday's meeting by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano. Noting this, the Pope said: "I fervently pray that the leaders meeting there find appropriate solutions to achieve the great fixed goals, in a spirit of harmony and generous solidarity. I particularly hope that effective concrete measures can be successfully put into effect to respond to the most urgent problems of extreme poverty, sickness and hunger that afflict so many peoples."

The Pope concluded yesterday's time by specifically addressing those present in English saying, "Today, September 11, we remember the victims of terrorist violence throughout the world. May God inspire men and women of goodwill everywhere to renounce hatred and to build a world of justice, solidarity and peace."