A well-known Chilean priest warned last week that presidential candidate Michelle Bachelet, the frontrunner in the country’s upcoming election, “does not share the Church’s values.”

According to Father Mariano Irrureta, provincial superior of the Schoenstatt Fathers in Chile, “If she is elected, Bachelet might promote the secularization of Chilean society.  After the legalization of divorce, it would be interesting ‘to see what comes next’ in as much as family values are concerned” in her agenda.

During a visit to Aid to the Church in Need in Germany, Father Irrureta noted the “good relationship” between Bachelet and Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.  “What has happened in Spain could happen in Chile,” he warned.

Regarding the Church’s situation in the country, Father Irrureta explained that “the media and its influence on people, their mentality and values, are the greatest challenge for the Church.  In order to counteract the effect of religious sects at this level, the Church must strengthen its commitment.”