The death penalty, lay ministry, liturgy, Africa and the Eucharistic Congress of 2008 are on the agenda for the fall meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Nov. 14-17. It will be held in Washington, D.C., at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill.

Several documents will be presented and discussed, including a statement on Catholic teaching on the death penalty, "A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death"; a document on lay ministry titled "Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: Resource for Guiding Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry", and a report on the progress being made by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Church in Africa

The bishops will also discuss the Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform and several matters pertaining to liturgy, including the "Order of Mass" and debate and vote on the "Lectionary for Masses with Children."

There will be several presentations regarding international issues. Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop of Quebec, will share plans for the 2008 Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City. Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, Patriarch of Antioch, and Msgr. Richard Stern of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, will also address the USCCB meeting.

Finally, the bishops will elect seven new committee chairmen-elect and a new general secretary.