Belgian Cardinal Gustav Joos said this week that homosexuals that take pride in their condition and are public about it at all costs are “sexual perverts.”  "I am willing to write in my own blood that of all those who call themselves lesbian or gay, a maximum of five to 10 percent are effectively lesbian or gay," Cardinal Gustaaf Joos, 80, told the Belgian weekly P-Magazine.

The Cardinal told his interviewer, “"I demand you write that down.  I don't care if they all come protesting at my door. I won't open the door."

"Real homosexuals don't wander in the streets in colorful suits. They are people who have a serious problem and have to learn to live with it…We have to help these people and not judge them," Joos added.

Cardinal Joos said being a homosexual and a Catholic “is not impossible,” but homosexuals should live chastely.  “I must do the same as a priest, right?  Sex should only occur in the context of an indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman.  Not any other way. Period, amen.  It’s not hard to comprehend,” he concluded.