A new one-hour documentary investigates the lives and legends of the Apostles, how they were transformed after the resurrection of Christ, how they traveled the world to tell Christ's story, and how all but John were martyred.

Based on the best-selling books “Twelve Extraordinary Men” by John MacArthur and “The Search for the Twelve Apostles” by William Steuart McBirnie, Miraculous Mission features well-known scholars in theology, archaeology, ancient history and science exploring the lives of the 12 Apostles.

The common denominator among the 12 Apostles is that they were ordinary men, middle class at best. "Yet they achieved extraordinary things," says David Balsiger, the show's producer. "These men traveled the world 2,000 years ago when the only mode of transportation was by foot or by ship."

The docudrama also explores important fact-finding contributions from the scientific community. "Rather than working at odds, scientists and theologians are actually working on a parallel plane to document the existence of the 12 Apostles," says Grizzly Adams Productions president Charles Sellier.

The PAX-TV docudrama is hosted by explorer Michael Flynn and produced by Grizzly Adams Productions. It will premiere Dec. 3 at 9 p.m. EST/PST (8 p.m. MST/CST) on the PAX-TV Network (also known as i-TV). It will be re-broadcast on PAX Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. EST/PST (6 p.m. MST/CST).

The DVD will be released prior to Easter. It will contain two hours of bonus features, including more expert interviews, an expanded version of the life and legends of the Apostles, an examination of the crucifixion, and the Early Church.