During the Angelus prayer last Sunday, Pope John Paul strongly encouraged pro-lifers to keep supporting family life and fighting against abortion.

The Pontiff focused his brief remarks on Italy’s “Day for Life,” the theme of which was, “There is no future without children.”

The Pope said that “very often the cultural and social context does not favor the family or the mission of parents. Furthermore, many couples would like to have more children, but are forced to give up because of economic difficulties.”

“The assistance of public organizations, though appreciable, is often insufficient. The need is felt for a more comprehensive policy in support of the family,” he added.

After stressing that the family is the “fundamental unit of society,” the Holy Father said that “within the family, life must always be promoted, defended and protected. This Day for Life reminds everyone of this fundamental duty.”

“We must not resign ourselves to the attacks against human life, first among them abortion” the Pope exclaimed.

“I renew my appreciation for the courageous support that the Italian Movement for Life gives this cause, and I exhort all ecclesial communities to support its initiatives and services.”

“Efforts must be increased in order to affirm the right to life of children not yet born, not against mothers but together with mothers,” he concluded.