The Spanish pro-family group Platform for the Promotion of the Family (PROFAM) has published a set of goals for 2006 in response to the Socialist government’s failure to address family issues in 2005. 

According to a press release from the Platform, “the institution that is most valued by the Spanish people has become the one most attacked by public leaders through the promulgation or preparation of arbitrary laws and unfulfilled promises.”

PROFAM has thus proposed action policies for 2006 which it will send to President Jose Luis Zapatero.  Included are proposals that the government focus on helping rather than destroying the family and finding ways to limit the spread of divorce, which was facilitated by new laws approved by the government in 2005.  PROFAM also noted the widespread rejection by married couples of a law that would make homosexual unions equivalent to marriage.

PROFAM also called on the government to reform education laws and to support the “rights of parents as the sole educators of their children.”  The organization also urged the government to guarantee the right to religious education and that it be given “the same treatment as other subjects.”

PROFAM also rejected new laws legalizing abortion. “We do not accept the holocaust of innocent deaths which as now surpassed one million. Enough!” the statement exclaimed.