Catholic Priest and president of Human Life International,Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, advised Democrats to refrain from “Catholic bashing” of Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito.

“The unrelenting campaign waged by many Senate Democrats, some who claim to be Catholics themselves, against Catholic judicial nominees who embrace and practice their Catholic faith is disgraceful at best and at worst is a blatant form of religious bigotry reminiscent of a less civil period of history,” said Fr. Euteneuer.

“If these senators continue to Catholic bash in the upcoming nomination hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito they will only continue to alienate Roman Catholics who are increasingly frustrated over attacks on those beliefs they hold most dear.

“Religion should never be used as a weapon of discrimination. Democrats and their anti-Catholic allies such as People for the American Way, and Alliance for Justice must abandon their Catholic bashing strategy.

It is time for these Senators—lead by the likes of Sen. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)—to put an end to this shameful behavior and offer their ‘advice and consent’ based upon a nominee’s proper understanding of our Constitutional law.

“It is in the best interest of all Americans that the Democrat Party stops its relentless attacks on Roman Catholic judicial nominees.

Founded in 1981, Human Life International is the world's largest pro-life, pro-family organization that is dedicated to defending life, faith and the family, with branches and affiliates around the world.