The election of Stephen Harper has Prime Minister of Canada and the new breakdown of the Canadian legislature is giving new hope to pro-life and pro-family groups in the country.  Harper has publicly stated the legislature will review a law allowing homosexual “marriage” in Canada.

According to the Archdiocese of Madrid’s Analisis Digital, “Harper seems to be bent on making moral values a distinct part of his mandate” and believes that although Canada is not a major power in the world, the country “could influence the world with its values.”

Harper said that “sooner than later, although not immediately,” the Canadian parliament would reconsider “homosexual marriage.” 

Analisis Digital said there were other issues on the new government’s agenda “that await a response from conservative sectors.  One such issue is that of raising the minimum legal age of consent for sexual relations, which today in Canada is 14 years old.”

Another issue is the recent legalization of group-sex clubs, which would be open to 14 year-olds as long as no alcohol is being served.  “Judith Reisman, who has served as an advisor to three US administrations, has denounced this decision as an open invitation to pedophiles around the world.”