Canada’s Catholic development agency has adopted a policy that excludes funding for HIV/AIDS programs that distribute condoms.

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP), the Canadian bishops’ development arm, says any program it funds for HIV/AIDS prevention must include information about the Church’s teaching on marital fidelity and abstinence, reported Canadian Catholic News (CCN).

The seven-page statement was developed in consultation with the Canadian bishops.

The policy promotes a “holistic approach” to HIV/AIDS prevention and does not support projects that are “isolated from broader action to fight poverty,” says the statement.

CCODP official Gilio Brunelli said poverty and underdevelopment is a major contributing factor in the spread of HIV/AIDS. About 95 percent of new HIV/AIDS cases are in the poorest countries of the South and sub-Saharan Africa. 

The agency said its policy is based on the principle that all people of goodwill should “show compassion” toward the millions worldwide, who are infected by the virus or are suffering from AIDS and be clear-sighted in addressing the situation, reported CCN.