The Democrats’ “Statement of Principles”, signed by 55 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, is “a sham” and nothing more than a “statement of politics,” said Catholic League president William Donohue.

A majority of Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House led by Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.-3)  released yesterday a statement of principles, signed by 55 House Democrats, the statement documents how their faith influences them as lawmakers, and important issues such as social justice and the right to life.

The statement underlines the fact that "In all these issues, we seek the Church's guidance and assistance but believe also in the primacy of conscience. In recognizing the Church's role in providing moral leadership, we acknowledge and accept the tension that comes with being in disagreement with the Church in some areas."

According to Donohue, the statement was issued to try to convince the public, and especially Catholics, that one can be a good Catholic and differ with the Catholic Church on abortion.

“They agree with the Church about the ‘undesirability of abortion,’ adding that ‘we do not celebrate its practice.’ What gives them pause is not explained, but one thing is certain: there is not a word in the statement that commits these Catholics to work towards a change in the Democratic Party’s Platform on abortion,” said Donohue. The statement does not oppose partial-birth abortion.

“The statement is driven by fear,” Donohue said. “The fear is the Abortion Albatross that is literally strangling them from getting their message out.” 

“Perhaps the most convincing evidence that this statement is a sham is the fact that Rep. Rosa DeLauro is the point person for this effort,” said Donohue. DeLauro served as the executive director of the pro-abortion EMILY’s List. “With her at the helm, the ‘Statement of Principle’ is nothing more than a ‘Statement of Politics.’”

Frank Pavone, president of Priests for Life reacted equally to the statement, depicting as a a big mistake" and "a bundle of contradictions" introduced into the public debate on faith and public service.

"This statement tries to soften the contradiction between creating a just society and tolerating legal abortion. The voting records of these legislators are available to anyone who wants to look them up. To fail to protect the unborn, and then to say that you are 'committed to . . . protecting the most vulnerable
among us' is a blatant contradiction," followed Father Pavone.

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Priests for Life will release a statement of its own this month, addressing these concerns in more detail and bringing them to the attention of each of the signers of the "Statement of Principles."