The talks between the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches will continue, said the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.


Bishop Brian Farrell told the Church of England Newspaper that there was “no question” that the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) would continue.


He claimed: the “decision has already been made”, saying that the general topic of ARCIC III would be the “local and universal Church.” The bishop spoke with the newspaper at the Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Porto Alegre, Brazil, in mid-February.


There was some concern about how the election of the openly homosexual bishop Gene Robinson in New Hampshire, the blessing of same-sex unions in and talks of ordaining women bishops may impact relations between the two churches.


According to Bishop Farrell, the Vatican has made no conditions for the continuation of dialogue and would continue its dialogue with the Anglican Communion no matter what “shape” the Communion “might take” in the future, reported the Church of England newspaper.

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