Democrats For Life is “fully committed to promoting a culture of life,” and supports the recent Catholic Statement of Principles, says its executive director, Kristen Day.

In a statement issued last week, Day promoted her organization’s 95-10 Initiative. She said her organization’s top priority is preventing abortion and working to create legislation, social policies and programs that will help pregnant women carry their babies to term and protect them from violence.

“The number one cause of death of pregnant women is murder – often by the baby’s father,” said Day. “Yet, President Bush’s 2006 budget, which cuts funding to help women escape domestic violence, speaks volumes about the commitment to promote a culture of life.” She also charged the Republicans with consistently cutting services for women and families.

On the contrary, she argued, the Democrats for Life 95-10 Initiative “will do more to protect unborn children by empowering women by providing the necessary government support to assist those who find themselves in crisis pregnancies” and ultimately reduce the abortion rate. 

Democrats for Life is calling on all people of faith to ask Congress to support programs that will help women carry their babies to term.

“While many people disagree on the morality and legality of abortion, people on both sides of the aisle and both sides of the issue can come together to significantly reduce the abortion rate and make a commitment to passing legislation to provide women with options other than abortion,” she said.