The city of more than 100 steeples will host its first sacred art festival this month. The event was initiated by Fr. Alain Mongeau, the pastor of two parishes in Montreal’s trendy Plateau district.

The goal of the three-day event is to “conciliate the two spiritual paths of art and faith, which have complemented and inspired each other for generations,” said Fr. Mongeau. “In these times, there is a divorce between the two worlds of art and spirituality,” which is only exacerbated by “show business,” said the young priest.

He recalled Pope John Paul’s message to artists, that they are “the guardians of beauty.”

“The greatest artistic works are imbued with spirituality, and this continues to be conveyed through the many art forms that humans have to express beauty: music, the visual arts, dance and film,” he said.

A variety of events will be hosted at three parish churches, including sculpture exhibits, concerts, theatre, and arts-and-crafts activities for children. Renowned conductor and artistic director Agnes Grossman will give a two-hour session on faith/spirituality and music, and read from Beethoven’s letters during an organ concert of his 5th Symphony.

Guided tours of the three host churches, which are historical and house beautiful sacred art themselves, will also be offered. The festival will be held March 24-26. Admission is free.