Chile is celebrating the approval of a new miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Alberto Hurtado, who could be canonized this year.

Although the date of his canonization has not been determined as the Vatican is yet to confirm the news, sources said the Commission of Theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints gave the definitive approval to the miracle which was confirmed last October by the Medical Commission.

Theologians from the Commission commented on two aspects of the miracle:  that the cure considered medically inexplicable be considered miraculous from a theological point of view; and they ratified that the miraculous cure is attributed to the intercession of Father Hurtado.

Before John Paul II ratifies the case and promulgates the decree of sanctity, a plenary meeting must take place between the Bishops and Cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, which will probably take place next month.

After the promulgation of the decree of sanctity, the Pope will convoke a Public Ordinary Consistory with the Cardinals of Rome, who will determine the definitive date for the canonization.

Cardinal Jorge Medina, ex-prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, told reporters that the cause of Father Hurtado is not on the agenda for the next Consistory scheduled for February 19, but that it will surely be included in the next one.