The executive committee of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference has warned against a recent resolution from the European Parliament condemning homophobia and rejecting discrimination against homosexuals, could threaten marriage and the entire social order in Europe.

“This resolution, under the pretext of preventing discrimination against homosexual persons, directly promotes the idea that unions between a man and a woman and unions between same-sex couples must be treated equally,” the bishops said in a statement.

The resolution, which was passed on January 18, 2006, “falsifies the truth founded upon the nature of man, who is created male and female,” the bishops continued.  Although the member states are not obligated to alter their laws on same-sex unions, the resolution “represents moral pressure” to do so.

In addition, the bishops warned that using the educational system to discourage “homophobia” “carries with it the danger of introducing this deformation of the truth into the minds of children and young people.”

The bishops expressed their unity with other episcopal conferences and individuals who have spoken out “against this resolution that attacks the correct functioning of the European Union.”  They also called on the members of the EU Parliament to “avoid actions in the future that would endanger freedom of conscience in the Union.”