In a message marking the World Communications Day—which will be celebrated on Sunday, May 28--the Committee on Communications Media of the Bishops’ Conference of Spain issued a statement calling on journalists to reflect upon the principles and foundations of their profession and to be courageous in communicating the truth.

The bishops said that in today’s world of moral and intellectual relativism and manipulation of language, there is a need for principle, courageousness and determination.  Journalism faces new challenges now and broadcasters have become the targets of pressure groups and political leaders.  Media professionals must “return to the principles and foundations of their trade” and shun ideological, political and economic influences, which often pose an obstacle to truthful reporting.  They should also recognize that they should be “servants of the truth and promoters of peace,” the bishops stated.

They also called on members of the media to provide as much information as possible to the public, to respect different points of view, to support the family and defend “the great values of the dignity of the human person.”

The bishops expressed their own good will to work with the members of the media in “courageously communicating the truth and promoting truly human communications in our country, where there are more things that unite us than divide us.”