In a move to protect homosexuals from discrimination, the Archbishop of Cincinnati has joined more than 40 religious leaders of all faiths in supporting the repeal of an amendment, which prohibits City Council from passing rights laws for homosexuals.

Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk called the amendment morally wrong. His support for the repeal was announced yesterday.

"I believe now, as I believed at the time of its passage (in 1993), that Article XII is as detrimental to the public good as the ordinance that it invalidated," he wrote in the diocesan newspaper, Catholic Telegraph.

"Homosexual behavior is not tolerated by the Church," he wrote. "But homosexuals still should be protected from discrimination."

The archbishop added that he still opposes blanket rights for homosexuals because it makes "homosexual behavior as legally acceptable as heterosexual behavior."

State Rep. Tom Brinkman Jr., who serves on the campaign to keep Article XII, said the archbishop misunderstands the amendment and added that it is “completely consistent with Church teaching.”

“It does not discriminate, nor does it give special treatment to homosexuals. It has always been equal rights — not special rights," said the Catholic Republican. 

Cincinnati is the only city in the United States with such an amendment.