The Archdiocese of Lima is encouraging the faithful to see “The Passion of the Christ,” which will premier in that country on March 18.  He also recommends that Catholics prepare spiritually for the film and gather together afterwards for discussion.

The letter is addressed to pastors, rectors, religious superiors, leaders of different lay movements, school principals and the faithful in general.  It recalls that the Press Office of the Holy See has confirmed that the film is “a cinematographic adaptation of the historical fact of the Passion of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel accounts.”

It also underscores that “renowned film critics have emphasized the movie’s high technical quality, majestic photography and impeccable acting.  But for us the most important aspect is that the film is recognized for its profound catholicity.”

“It takes the Gospels as historic, recognizes the divinity of Jesus as well as his complete humanity, and graphically illustrates his moving capacity to suffer in expiation for the sins of the world.  Lastly, it has a strong Eucharistic tone and a constant and marked Marian presence,” the letter says.

The letter emphasizes that “this is a movie that will make our Lent and Easter a time of profound conversion and growth in holiness.”

“The premier will be an occasion for us to go and see the film, as well as to invite many people to live the experience of seeing a well-produced work that seeks to reflect the historical events of the Passion and death of the Lord.”

“How wonderful if each community could go to see it as a group, and beforehand people could spend a half an hour before the Blessed Sacrament, and afterwards meet together to share experiences in a context of faith and love for the Lord, who gave his life on the cross to save us,” the letter concludes.