A group of young people from the Don Bosco Oratories in Calcutta are bringing the images of Mother Teresa's Beatification to the poor, those suffering from leprosy and other terminally ill patients who are cared for in the Missionary of Charity houses of Calcutta.  

Organizers said this was a way to enable the poorest of the poor, whom Mother Teresa loved and served, to participate in the great celebration which took place in St. Peter's Square.  

Fr. Joseph Manipadam, director of Don Bosco Youth Service and organizer of the project, told the Vatican news agency Fides the young people wishto bring to shut-ins "the unique opportunity to be in communion with Mother Teresa and with the universal Church."  

The students will be visiting 15 houses of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta with a video presentation of Sunday's beatification and a documentary on the live of Mother Teresa.

"For many of the young people this will be the first time visiting a home of Mother Teresa's sisters, where they will enter into direct contact with suffering, sickness and poverty.  It will be a wonderful experience for their formation, as well as a way of expressing solidarity," Father Manipadam said.