The American Life League has requested that Archbishop Sean O’Malley of Boston “consider further action” against Senator John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) after the senator was reported to have attended mass last Sunday, while on a ski trip in Idaho, only as a media opportunity.

According to an article in American Spectator, the pro-abortion senator showed “blatant disregard” for the mass by “arriving very late, dressed in a ski suit and making a great deal of noise.”

Furthermore, one of Kerry’s staff, who remained unnamed, said Kerry’s attendance at mass "was just a media-op. ...We set it up with some reporters that we knew were going to be there."

The archbishop of Boston has made clear that those in his archdiocese who support abortion on demand should voluntarily stop receiving this sacrament.

But, in its statement issued Tuesday, the American Life League asked Archbishop O’Malley to go one step further and “to consider the example of Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis, who used Church law to officially bar certain pro-abortion Catholics from receiving Communion.”

“That Sen. John Kerry is willing to use the holy sacrifice of the Mass as a ‘media op’ shows his utter contempt for the faith he claims to embrace. This is disgusting,” said Joseph M. Starrs, director of American Life League's Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church in the press release.

“The senator and his staff should publicly apologize to Our Lady of the Snows parish, its pastor and congregation, and to all faithful Catholics for this charade,” he said.

The league also said it would monitor Kerry’s daily schedule in order to mobilize its grassroots supporters to engage him at every turn and inform the local bishops of his arrival in the diocese.