The Institute of Martin de Azpilcueta of the University of Navarre has published the first English version of the monumental “Exegetical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law.”

According to the publishers, the Commentary consists of an explication of the canonical norms, following the systematic order of the Code.

“Each canon is accompanied by ample commentary, with all of the elements necessary for understanding the text and with cross references to different canons and commentaries but respecting the scientific autonomy of each commentary and commentator,” they said.

120 canonists and theologians from over 15 countries contributed to the English edition, under the direction of the University of Navarre.  The five-volume work took 5 years to complete.

During the presentation of the compendium, which took place at the Department of Canon Law of the University, Angel Marzoa, one of the department’s professors, said, “The favorable reception of the Spanish edition, which went through three revisions in just five years, and the requests of so many English-speaking canonists encouraged us to complete this translation.”

According to Marzo, “This is the first time a work of this magnitude and nature has been made available to the English-speaking world.”

The professor mentioned that they have received requests for editions in Italian and French but that the proposals are under consideration.