Women for Life International is urging Amnesty International not to adopt a policy that would recognize access to abortion as a human right.

In an April 25 press release, Women for Life stated that Amnesty’s policy would be seen "as an endorsement of the inhumane treatment of pregnant women who are forced to abort their children."

Amnesty rebutted the pro-life group’s claim and asked for a correction of this statement based on AI's long history of opposition to forced abortion.

Women for Life said it acknowledges and appreciates AI's opposition to forced abortion, but says Amnesty must be more consistent and persistent in ending this violation against humanity and women.

According to AI's website, the last reported incident of AI's opposition to forced abortion in China was in 2005. It has not responded to reported incidents of forced abortion since then.

Women for Life says Amnesty’s adoption of a policy on “selected aspects of abortion” flies in the face of  the United Declaration of Human Rights, particularly articles 3 and 6.

Women for Life says it foresees “an increase in forced abortions in every country that legalizes abortion, no matter the reason.”

According to "Forced Abortion in America" by the Elliot Institute, 30 to 60 percent of women having abortions feel pressured to do so by other persons. (See www.afterabortion.org)

"Calling upon countries to legalize abortion, no matter what the justification, will only open the door for more human rights violations (forced abortions) against women and their pre-born children," Women for Life said in a press release.

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“Every conceived (fertilized) child has the right to be born and to life no matter how the child was conceived," the group says.