Bishops and priests have become the targets of security agents in Zimbabwe, reported Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). The international Catholic charity received this news from a priest in Zimbabwe, who asked to remain anonymous.

“Following the most historic pastoral letter from our bishops, bishops and priests have become the targets of the security agents,” the unnamed priest said. The letter called for major political reform in Zimbabwe, including new leadership. The country is currently under the control of President Rogert Mugabe, who has engaged in a program of silencing all who oppose his regime.

“Some priests were arrested soon after reading the letter to the parishioners. One was actually dragged out of Mass before he even finished reading it,” the priest reported.

According to the cleric, a number of priests were blacklisted by Zimbabwe’s central intelligence and other security departments.

“We now live in fear of being arrested, tortured or killed,” read the letter. “Please, would you continue praying for us as we struggle to speak out for the voiceless people of Zimbabwe?”