Priests for Life issued a statement yesterday on whether pro-abortion politicians should receive the Eucharist after Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry received Communion Easter Sunday.

The national anti-abortion organization of Catholic priests commented on the controversy about whether Kerry, an outspoken abortion advocate, should be allowed to receive Holy Communion.

"The central point is being missed in most of the commentary,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. “Senator Kerry supports in his public life the continuation of a procedure which, in these very days, is being graphically described in courtroom trials about the ban on partial-birth abortion.”

The Priests for Life statement included the testimony of Dr. Timothy Johnson in New York's Southern District Court March 31. In his testimony, Dr. Johnson described the dismemberment of a baby that often occurs during a partial-birth abortion. He also admitted that the procedure includes “crushing the head of a baby.”

Fr. Pavone also pointed out that some 1,300 priests in his organization have released a statement that says: "No public official ... can responsibly advocate for or actively support direct attacks on innocent human life."

These words were taken from the U.S. bishops’ document called Living the Gospel of Life (1998).

For the priests' full statement, go to: