Bob Schindler who has fought for more than five years to keep his brain-damaged daughter Terri Schiavo alive said when he visited her yesterday she responded with a gutteral “Uh-uh” to turn down his kisses, reported CNN.

"I was in front of her and I'm kissing her on the cheek, and she doesn't like that," Schindler told CNN. He said he then asked if he could kiss her again and she said:”Uh-uh. Uh-uh.”

The Schindlers and Terri’s husband, Michael Schiavo, have been battling in the courts for the last five years about Terri’s fate. Her husband says Terri would not have wanted to continue in this vegetative state. Her parents say their daughter is responsive and should not be left to die. After the court ruled in Michael’s favor last week, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush intervened in the case on Tuesday and ordered Terri’s feeding tube reinserted.

Up until Wednesday night, Michael was not allowing Terri’s family to visit her. He has since changed his mind, but he is still not allowing Terri’s family access to the medical reports on her current condition.