The law signed by Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, which allowed him to order Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube reinserted states that the brain-damaged woman must receive an independent guardian within five days.

A judge ordered lawyers for both sides to agree within five days on Terri’s independent guardian, who would become her advocate in legal proceedings. However, her husband, Michael Schiavo, would remain the decision-maker.

If an agreement cannot be reached, the judge will appoint Dr. Jay Wolfson, a professor of health and law at Stetson University.

The 39-year-old woman’s parents have accused their son-in-law, who has a girlfriend with whom he has a child, of selfish motivations. He won $1.2 million in a malpractice case against his wife's gynecologist and another $250,000 in a settlement with her general practitioner. In addition, he received $300,000 for pain and suffering and loss of consortium.

Michael Schiavo declined to comment on whether there is an outstanding life insurance policy on his wife.