The Thomas More Law Center is one of three Christian-based public interest law firms that is representing five parties in an attempt to protect New York’s marriage laws.

These parties have filed motions, seeking to intervene in three cases now pending in the State of New York. The three cases were filed against public officials for not issuing same-sex marriage licenses.

Private citizens brought the lawsuits against the public officials. The homosexual-rights organizations ACLU, the LAMBDA Legal Defense Fund, and a private attorney represent them. One case involves Daniel O’Donnell, brother of actress and homosexual activist Rosie O’Donnell.

The decision to intervene was made after New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer expressed reservations about the constitutionality of New York laws barring same-sex marriage.

Three of the five parties seeking to intervene are senators Ruben Diaz Sr., Raymond Meir and Assemblyman Dan Hooker. Their objective is to defend New York’s existing laws and ensure that the state legislature – and not the courts – addresses this matter.

Diaz and Meir are also co-sponsors of state legislation that bars recognition of same-sex marriages.

The cases in which the Thomas More Law Center is seeking to intervene include: Hernandez v. Robles, Shields v. Madigan (Rockland County), and Samuels v. New York.

Liberty Counsel and the AFA Center for Law and Policy are the two other Christian-based public interest law firms representing intervening parties.