Anti-conversion laws

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Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan.

Catholic counselors sue Michigan over therapy restrictions for trans-identifying kids

Jul 16, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

The Michigan law, HB 4616, directs that mental health professionals “shall not engage in conversion therapy with a minor.” Read more

Activists wave placards and chant slogans as they participate in a demonstration against the Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Bill, also known as the Anti-Conversion Bill, on Dec. 22, 2021, in Bengaluru, India.

Indian Supreme Court: Anti-conversion law may be ‘unconstitutional’

Jun 4, 2024

By Anto Akkara

The court noted that “some parts [of the law] may seem to be violative of the fundamental right to religion... Read more

Father Dominic Pinto, of the Diocese of Lucknow in India, (cathedral school of Lucknow pictured above) was arrested for violation of the state's anti-conversion law.

Amid arrests of Indian priests and nun, bishop calls for ‘storming of heaven’

Feb 9, 2024

By Anto Akkara

Eleven out of India’s 28 states have passed laws to criminalize forced conversions but, in practice, they have been used... Read more