Vatican Observatory

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The Vatican Observatory together with the University of Padua have investigated eternity from new scientific perspectives.

What can science tell us about eternity? Vatican Observatory to present latest reflection

Aug 30, 2024

By Almudena Martínez-Bordiú

“Eternity Between Space and Time” is the title of a report by the Vatican Observatory to be released Sept. 6... Read more

A total solar eclipse.

A total solar eclipse through a lens of faith

Apr 7, 2024

By Judy Roberts

When the total solar eclipse occurs on April 8, many will be looking skyward to observe the phenomenon from a... Read more


Vatican Observatory publishes new method to better understand the Big Bang theory

Mar 18, 2024

By Diego López Marina

Two priests from the Vatican Observatory have made further progress in developing a new mathematical method to understand the Big... Read more


At Vatican Observatory, astronomers reveal thousands of newly discovered galaxies

Oct 20, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The findings at the October conference “pave the road for a better understanding of the structure of the Milky Way... Read more

The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mount Graham in southern Arizona.

Celebrations planned for 30th anniversary of Vatican Observatory’s Arizona telescope

Sep 29, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

In 1981, the Vatican Observatory launched a research center under the famously dark Arizona skies, where it inaugurated its telescope... Read more

Brother Robert Macke, a Jesuit and astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, works in his office at the Vatican Observatory.

Meet the Vatican scientist helping NASA on a historic space mission

Sep 28, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

Brother Robert Macke, a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, is one of the world’s foremost experts in the study... Read more

Galaxy M74.

Pope Francis to young astronomers: Keep love and wonder alive

Jun 20, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

In the vastness of space, keep love and wonder alive, Pope Francis told astronomers of the Vatican Observatory Summer School. Read more

Chart showing asteroids named after Jesuits.

Newly-discovered asteroids named after Jesuits — and a pope

Feb 21, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

The Vatican Observatory announced this week the naming of four newly-discovered asteroids after notable Catholics, including Pope Gregory XIII. Read more


Catholic astronomers: Newly discovered planet a testament to Earth’s ‘startling uniqueness’

Jan 19, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

Catholic scientists from the Vatican Observatory and Benedictine College hailed the discovery of the planet as a testament “to the... Read more

Students from the Vatican Observatory's summer school at an audience with Pope Francis

Vatican Observatory to reopen summer school for aspiring astronomers

Aug 24, 2022

By Leonardo Colon

The Vatican Observatory will resume its four-week summer school next June following a pause in operations due to the global... Read more

NASA’s Webb captures a dying star’s Final ‘Performance’ in fine detail: A planetary nebula, shaped like an irregular oval, with lacy, reddish orange plumes of gas and dust.

Vatican astronomer: Webb telescope space images are ‘food for the human spirit’

Jul 14, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

The first images from the James Webb space telescope reveal God’s creation and feed our souls, a Jesuit brother and... Read more

Br. Guy Consolmagno at the Vatican Observatory in Italy on Nov. 22, 2013.

Vatican Observatory’s new website a launch pad to show the Catholic Church supports science

Apr 8, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Br. Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, said that the old website “was hardly ever visited.” Read more

Br. Guy Consolmagno at the Vatican Observatory in Italy on Nov. 22, 2013.

Is the rare ‘Christmas Star’ visible this December the Star of Bethlehem?

Dec 10, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

The “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn taking place this month -- dubbed the “Christmas Star” -- is a pretty... Read more

Research astronomer Fr. Christopher Corbally. Courtesy of Fr. Corbally

Catholic priest ‘thoroughly surprised’ to have asteroid named after him

Jun 26, 2020

Somewhere between Mars and Jupiter there is a hunk of rock that now bears the name of a living English... Read more

Vatican astronomer: If you're afraid of science, you don't have faith

May 10, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, who has worked as an astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican for... Read more

Br. Guy Consolmagno at the Living the Catholic Faith Conference in Denver, Colo. on March 3, 2012.

Vatican astronomer says 'God particle' is misnamed, but exciting

Jul 6, 2012

While it has no direct bearing on theology or revelation, the scientific discovery hailed by some as the “God particle”... Read more