New York Times

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Catholic columnist: ‘Brave new world’ of embryo experimentation could sharpen Communion debate

Jun 24, 2021

Recent developments regarding experimentation on human embryos could force a larger conflict between Catholic Democratic politicians and U.S. bishops on... Read more

David Brooks.

A priest's powerful impact on the New York Times' David Brooks

Dec 29, 2015

New York Times columnist, best-selling author and all-around pundit David Brooks has made headlines recently for his bold new book... Read more

David Brooks.

A priest's powerful impact on the New York Times' David Brooks

May 21, 2015

New York Times columnist, best-selling author and all-around pundit David Brooks has made headlines recently for his bold new book... Read more

New York Times Building NYC.

Why this priest has spent 50 years fighting with the New York Times

Mar 1, 2015

By Mary Farrow

A lot has changed in journalism since 1961, but not Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton’s resolve to rebut the New York... Read more