March for Life

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Pope Benedict tweets support for US pro-life rallies

Jan 25, 2013

Pope Benedict has sent a Twitter message expressing his solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of people marching in America... Read more

March for Life president Jeanne Monahan.

Changes to March for Life focus on engaging culture

Jan 16, 2013

When hundreds of thousands of people descend upon the nation’s capital for the March for Life this year, they will... Read more

Jeanne Monahan, the new president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

New March for Life president plans increased youth appeal

Nov 21, 2012

By Carl Bunderson

After being named the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Jeanne F. Monahan says she plans... Read more


Petition to end abortion in Spain draws 100,000 signatures

Oct 5, 2012

Accompanied by a group of children, a local pro-life leader delivered a petition signed by 100,000 people to the Ministry... Read more

Pro-life supporters march in the rain during the 2012 March for life on January 23, 2012.

March for Life board approves new leadership

Aug 18, 2012

Board members of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Patrick Kelly and Jeanne Monahan, have been selected to... Read more

Cardinal Sean O'Malley

Cardinal calls Americans to announce the Gospel of Life with greater fervor

Jan 30, 2007

"Weneed to raise the volumn in announcing the Gospel of Life," with thesewords Cardinal Sean O’Malley strongly urged Americans to... Read more