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Cardinal Ranjith (Second from Left), bishops and children at Holy Childhood Silver Jubilee.

Holy Childhood Society celebrates 25 years in Colombo

Sep 24, 2013

A group which aims to foster a missionary spirit among children celebrated the 25th anniversary of its establishment in the... Read more

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, Vicar General of the Order of Saint Augustine at the Augustinianum in Rome on August 30, 2013.

Augustinian order to focus on evangelizing Europe, youth

Aug 30, 2013

The Augustinian order is working on devising ways to evangelize secularized Europe and young people during the next few years,... Read more

A full choir sang during the Mass at the Remini Meeting, August 18, 2013.

Lack of Christ the 'greatest poverty,' Pope tells movement

Aug 19, 2013

Pope Francis welcomed the 34th Rimini Meeting, an annual gathering organized by the lay movement Communion and Liberation, by encouraging... Read more

The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist sing in choir.

Dominicans aim to evangelize through beauty in new album

Aug 6, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

A Dominican order based in Ann Arbor will soon release an album of 15 songs centered on Marian devotion as... Read more

Thousands of pilgrims at a catechesis with Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley on July 26 in Vivo Rio center, Rio de Janeiro.

Cardinal O'Malley to youth: witness by building strong marriages

Jul 28, 2013

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of Boston encouraged thousands of pilgrims at a catechesis talk in Rio de Janeiro to choose... Read more

Pope Francis gives the homily during the closing Mass of WYD, July 28, 2013.

Don't stay 'locked up' in your parish or movement, Pope teaches

Jul 28, 2013

Christians are called to be disciples of Jesus with a mission, going out from their small circles to make disciples... Read more

Dangers to the Faith, Recognizing Catholicism's 21st-Century Opponents by Al Kresta. Courtesy of Our Sunday Visitor.

Book aims to help Catholics transform culture for Christ

Jul 18, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

Radio host Al Kresta’s new book is meant to help Catholics respond to the arguments of their opponents, stressing the... Read more

New generation of filmmakers to 'Impact Culture for Christ'

Jul 9, 2013

By Mary Farrow

A group of filmmakers of the John Paul II generation, looking to spread the Gospel of Christ, is working to... Read more


Laity Sunday in Mumbai encourages formation in faith

Jun 24, 2013

A June 23 seminar in Mumbai, India, sought to help Catholics, including families and young people, commit to living a... Read more


Jesus 'wants pastors, not combers of sheep,' Pope Francis says

Jun 18, 2013

Christians are called to be evangelists, seeking out the sheep who are lost rather than staying at home tending to... Read more

Journey of Jesus eBook.

New iPad story draws children into the life of Jesus

Jun 9, 2013

A Christian game developer has released an interactive storybook application to help make the message of the Gospel more accessible... Read more

Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs (File Photo/CNA).

Marriage is critical for cultural evangelization, bishop stresses

May 10, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

The love of a married couple offers a crucial witness needed for evangelization in the modern world, said Bishop Michael... Read more

Pope Francis greets the faithful from the loggia of St. John Lateran Basilica on April 7, 2013.

Without evangelization, Church is barren, says Pope

May 8, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

If the Church does not have the “apostolic courage” that led Saint Paul to evangelize, she becomes a “stalled Church... Read more

FOCUS prayer breakfast remembers Boston bombing victims

May 1, 2013

A Fellowship of Catholic University Students’ breakfast near Boston offered prayers for the victims of the marathon bombings, as speakers encouraged... Read more

Original Hipster Poster. Courtesy of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn diocese launches 'hipster' Jesus ad campaign

Apr 26, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

A new ad campaign by the Diocese of Brooklyn is hoping to attract the unchurched, with a series of posters... Read more

Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

Vatican official urges use of technology to proclaim Gospel

Apr 11, 2013

The president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, encouraged Catholics to make bold use of... Read more

A view of the transept of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel at Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, CA, courtesy of Duncan Stroik.

Architect says Churches must be beautiful to reflect faith

Mar 19, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Because they help impart the Catholic faith to the world, Church buildings have a responsibility to reflect God's beauty, says... Read more


Jesus expressed the faith in small 'tweets,' cardinal says

Nov 14, 2012

A Vatican official urged Catholics to share the Gospel in a concise and eloquent way like Jesus, “who used only... Read more


Faith a treasure shared by evangelizing, reflects Mexican bishop

Oct 10, 2012

Bishop Pedro Pablo Elizondo Cardenas of Cancun, Mexico urged the faithful to live their God-given faith courageously and share it... Read more

The Middle East Synod of 2010 (

Pope opens bishops' synod with universal call to holiness

Oct 7, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI has formally opened the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization with a “universal call to holiness”... Read more