Department of Health and Human Services

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States, doctors sue Biden administration over transgender medical mandate

Jul 10, 2024

By Tyler Arnold

The lawsuit argues that HHS did not have the authority to create the rule and that it is not a... Read more

Credit: Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock

U.S. bishops urge public to petition Biden administration over rule denying funds to pregnancy centers

Dec 1, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

The U.S. bishops are urging the public to petition the Biden administration to revise a rule that the bishops say... Read more


Tennessee sues Biden administration, says HHS diverted health funds to Planned Parenthood

Oct 26, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti is suing the Biden administration in response to a federal decision to redirect millions of... Read more


Biden administration to pay fee for attempted exclusion of NFP methods from insurance

Aug 1, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

Alliance Defending Freedom announced July 27 that a federal court has ordered the Biden administration to pay $65,000 in attorneys’... Read more


How to comment on Biden rule forcing doctors to perform transition surgeries, abortions

Aug 5, 2022

By Edie Heipel

Members of the public have until October 3 to voice their opposition to the rule. Read more


Rep. Chris Smith 'hopeful' fetal tissue research at University of Pittsburgh will be investigated

Jun 1, 2022

By Joe Bukuras

Representative Chris Smith [R-NJ] says he is hopeful that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will investigate the... Read more

Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra

Former HHS official: Biden administration trying to 'bail out' Texas abortion providers

Sep 24, 2021

By Matt Hadro

The Biden administration is looking to “bail out” Texas pro-abortion groups with its new actions, one former senior HHS official... Read more

Planned Parenthood clinic in Newton, NJ    Credit: Glynnis Jones

Biden administration moves to resume Title X funding of pro-abortion groups

Mar 19, 2021

By CNA Staff

The Biden administration is expected to allow abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood, to once again receive federal family planning funding... Read more

Xavier Becerra   Credit: John Papadopoulos/Shutterstock

Despite denials, HHS nominee Xavier Becerra sued to take away nuns' religious freedom rights

Mar 5, 2021

By Kevin J. Jones

Xavier Becerra, US president Joe Biden’s nominee for HHS secretary, did indeed sue to take away the religious exemptions for... Read more

Credit: Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock

HHS nominee won’t say if parents can refuse child’s gender transitioning

Feb 25, 2021

By Matt Hadro

A nominee for assistant health secretary on Thursday wouldn’t say if government officials can intervene when parents refuse their child’s... Read more

Xavier Becerra, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services  Credit: Vasilis Asvestas / Shutterstock

Health secretary nominee: 'I have never sued any nuns'

Feb 24, 2021

By Matt Hadro

On Wednesday, President Biden’s health secretary nominee defended coercive contraceptive and abortion coverage mandates against Catholic nuns, claiming he had... Read more

Xavier Becerra   Credit: John Papadopoulos/Shutterstock

Former HHS official: Becerra must be questioned over conscience violations

Feb 24, 2021

By Matt Hadro

President Biden’s health secretary nominee must be held accountable for forcing California Catholic nuns to cover abortions, said a former... Read more

Xavier Becerra, nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services  Credit: Vasilis Asvestas / Shutterstock

Health secretary nominee grilled on partial-birth abortion, taxpayer-funded abortion

Feb 23, 2021

By Matt Hadro

President Biden’s nominee for health secretary on Tuesday would not commit to preventing federal funding of abortions, and would not... Read more

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra speaks after receiving the Leadership Ally Award from Equality California for his support of the LGBTQ community.

Becerra, Biden’s HHS pick, has shown ‘hostility to nonprofit institutions’, scholars argue

Jan 15, 2021

Conservative scholars argued this week that Xavier Becerra, president-elect Joe Biden’s pick for HHS secretary, has a history of “hostility... Read more

Stock Image via Shutterstock.

Trump signs order to support work with faith groups on adoption

Jun 24, 2020

By Matt Hadro

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to bolster the federal government’s work with community and faith-based groups... Read more

Sign outside the Department for Health and Human Services, Washington DC.

Alabama removes disability triage guidelines after HHS complaint

Apr 8, 2020

By Matt Hadro

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has resolved a disability rights case with Alabama after the state removed... Read more

US Secretary of Health of Human Services Alex Azar speaks Nov 6, 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts.

HHS Secretary says he is proud to lead 'Department of Life'

Jan 24, 2020

By Matt Hadro

The U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said his department is committed to protecting life “from conception to... Read more

The March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 19, 2018.

Federal money to go to Texas women's health program without abortion providers

Jan 23, 2020

A Texas women’s health program that bars funding for health care providers that perform abortions has been approved for federal... Read more

HHS rule again allows religious adoption agencies to serve in face of LGBT demands

Dec 20, 2019

A federal rule change once again allows faith-based adoption agencies to receive federal funding without being required to place children... Read more

Staff members changing hospital bed sheets.

Third judge finds against conscience protection rule for medical workers

Nov 20, 2019

A third federal judge has struck down the Trump administration’s conscience protection rule for medical professionals who object to abortions... Read more