Women in the Catholic Church

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A rose with St. Peter's Basilica in the background.

Women's dynamic service to Church celebrated at Vatican

Mar 11, 2014

On March 8, dozens packed into the Vatican's tiny San Carlo Cinema for what was hailed as a “unique storytelling... Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday general audience on Nov. 27, 2013

Pope hopes for more 'widespread, incisive' feminine presence

Jan 25, 2014

Pope Francis met with a group of Italian women today, expressing his desire for women to participate more widely in... Read more

Pope Francis leads the Bishops of Italy in a solemn Profession of Faith in St. Peter's Basilica for their 65th General Assembly May 23, 2013.

Pope addresses Marxism accusations, women cardinals

Dec 15, 2013

In an interview published Dec. 14 in the Italian newspaper La Stampa, Pope Francis has responded to several questions touching... Read more

Italian journalist Marina Ricci (center) moderates the Vatican event on Oct. 19, 2013.

Vatican event lauds 'tenacious' women in modern society

Oct 22, 2013

Just down the road from St. Peter's Basilica, a crowd of almost 200 packed into an audience hall to hear... Read more

Panel participants in the 2013 Vatican women's conference.

Women are the world's 'pragmatic responders,' leader says

Oct 14, 2013

At a Vatican conference on the topic “God entrusts the human being to the woman,” global female experts discussed the... Read more

Blessed John Paul II.

Vatican seminar to explore John Paul II document on women

Sep 27, 2013

By Elise Harris

The Pontifical Council for the Laity is slated to hold a study seminar on one of Blessed John Paul II's... Read more

Sr. Marie-Celine receives her habit at her profession as a novice, Aug. 15, 2013.

Community's love for Mary draws young woman to religious life

Aug 22, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

On the recent feast of the Assumption, a young U.S. woman became a novice with a traditional religious order after... Read more

Archbishop Dr. Robert Zollitsch.

Theologian dismisses call for women 'deacons'

May 3, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Theologian Father Manfred Hauke said recent comments from a German archbishop appearing to support a particular diaconate for women are... Read more

Pope Francis rides through St. Peter's Square on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013.

Sanctity is central to Church outreach, Pope stresses

Apr 25, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Church leadership and outreach must be rooted in the pursuit of holiness and always attentive to the dignity of each... Read more

(L-R) Abby Sinnett with her mother Dede Chism.

Denver women's clinic will offer natural, Catholic care

Apr 7, 2013

By Michelle La Rosa

Women in Denver, Colo., may soon be able to receive health care from a women's clinic that offers a Catholic... Read more

Pope Francis makes his way through St. Peter's Square during his April 3, 2013 general audience.

Women communicate God's look of love, Pope says

Apr 3, 2013

During his second Wednesday general audience, Pope Francis said that women’s main role in the Church is to communicate God’s... Read more