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Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, speaks with CNA Sept. 15, 2014.

Cardinal Burke: Media hijacking Synod on the Family

Sep 23, 2014

By Ann Schneible

Next month's Synod on the Family has undergone an attempted hijacking by some media sources, which are fueling expectations that... Read more

Bishop James Conley.

Marriage prep begins at home, Bishop Conley says

Sep 19, 2014

Preparation for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony begins with family life in the home long before a couple has met,... Read more

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island (File Photo/CNA).

Bishop Tobin on divorce: Changes needed in approach, not teaching

Sep 17, 2014

The dilemma of divorced and remarried Catholics should prompt consideration of changes in the Church’s approach to annulments and the... Read more

A couple newly married by Pope Francis receives communion in St. Peter's Basilica on Sept. 14, 2014.

No scandal here: How the 20 couples married by Pope Francis were legit

Sep 15, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones, Ann Schneible

Pope Francis’ witnessing of marriages between Catholics who cohabited or who have had annulments is not a change, but is... Read more

Photo by George Hodan (CC0 1.0).

Cleveland diocese ends annulment fees

Jun 9, 2014

In an effort to help more Catholics return to the practice of their faith, the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, will... Read more

Pope Francis leads the Bishops of Italy in a solemn Profession of Faith in St. Peter's Basilica for their 65th General Assembly May 23, 2013.

Pope emphasizes 'indissolubility of Christian matrimony'

Apr 25, 2014

Pope Francis on April 25 stressed the need for bishops and priests to give a “consistent witness” to Christian moral... Read more

Father Federico Lombardi.

Doubts increase over Pope's alleged phone call on divorce

Apr 24, 2014

Media frenzy over an alleged phone call Pope Francis made to a divorced and remarried woman allowing her to receive... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square before the Wednesday general audience on October 2, 2013

Walk with those who suffer failed marriages, Pope exhorts

Feb 28, 2014

By Elise Harris

In his daily homily Pope Francis reflected on the beauty of marriage, emphasizing that when it fails, we should not... Read more

Pope Francis holds an audience with students from Jesuit-run schools in Italy and Albania in Paul VI Hall June 7, 2013.

Pope: Marriage cannot be based simply on emotional satisfaction

Feb 10, 2014

Speaking to the Polish bishops last week, Pope Francis encouraged a stronger understanding of marriage, accompanied by a merciful attitude... Read more

Bishop Laun during a Jan. 30, 2014 interview

The Church is not ours but Christ's, Austrian bishop stresses

Feb 3, 2014

By Elise Harris

As part of an “ad limina” visit to Rome last week, Austrian Bishop Andreas Laun said that although many seek... Read more

Archbishop Gerhard Muller at the Vatican Press Office on July 5, 2013.

Archbishop Müller affirms doctrine, pastoral care for divorced

Jan 3, 2014

In a recent interview with Corriere della Sera, the Vatican's head official on doctrinal matters discussed the importance of personal... Read more

Photo by George Hodan (CC0 1.0).

Respond to divorced Catholics with love, theologians urge

The Catholic Church must reach out to Catholics who are divorced and remarried to let them know they are welcome... Read more

Photo by George Hodan (CC0 1.0).

Catholics continue to have lowest divorce rates, report finds

Oct 1, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Recent studies on marriage show that while their rates of divorce are significant, U.S. Catholics are less likely to divorce... Read more

Pope Francis rides through St. Peter's Square after Mass on April 28, 2013.

Pope's book shows desire to draw re-married persons to Christ

May 2, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

A recently translated book by Pope Francis exhibits a call for Catholics who have been divorced and are re-married to... Read more


Divorced should be embraced with kindness, priest underscores

Nov 14, 2012

An Italian priest who serves as a spiritual director for dozens of divorced Catholics in Rome said that the Church... Read more